According to some experts, almost half of all Americans are trying to lose weight at any given time. Often, the results are temporary at best. And, while diet and exercise is an important component of weight loss, there's much more involved. Obesity is more a matter of the values you hold about your health and the decisions you've made along the way. What if you could change, at an unconscious level the values you hold about your health and the decisions you made in the past? What if you could alter the way you feel about food and how you treat it? What if you could increase your metabolism and begin gently losing weight? What can you expect? When you make changes at the unconscious level, you'll begin to see results almost immediately. Pounds and inches will begin to melt away without much conscious effort. You'll also notice that your relationship to food and exercise changes to support your new weight loss protocols. We know that everyone is different. Everyone has been on their own unique journey through life and though we may often have problems that present in similar ways the causes can be different. So the approach is unique and personal. Typically you and your Master Practitioner will delve into and eliminate the conditions that cause you to maintain an unhealthy weight, and remove any blockages that may prevent you from losing weight, Our Guarantee In our very first meeting with you, you and your Master Practitioner will decide on how you will know when the treatment is successful. From there, your Master Practitioner will determine how long the treatment will take. We guarantee to get the results you specify in the time frame we say or we will work with you for free until we do. We believe in what we do and are 100% confident in the outcome. We want you to be that convinced as well. That is the basis for our guarantee. Simple, sweet and based on you. Free Consultation Available We offer a FREE 30 minute consultation either over the phone or face to face. You are under no obligation to take the meeting any further. Contact us now by calling (919) 694-4129 to arrange to talk to one of our certified Master Practitioners at a time convenient for you. Alternatively, purchase your first session today to begin your recovery. Payment plans are available. Please contact us for details.