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You know where you are right now and whether or not you are achieving the success you desire in every area of your life. You may even be aware of what's holding you back and the steps you need to take to succeed. Where ever you are right now, our certified Master Practitioners can guide you to where you want to go.

Using the technologies of the mind, you will use powerful processes that you can take with you to uncover and remove, at the root, the issues that hold you back. You will then put procedures in place to ensure that you stay on track.

One of those procedures in ongoing coaching, where you quickly and effectively handle the issues you are currently facing. In real time, you will be empowered with the tools to overcome the challenges of the day.

Coaching can be either in person or via the internet based on your location and preference. We have offices in Southern California, Phoenix Arizona, Las Vegas Nevada, Tampa Florida and the United Kingdom. Call (919) 694-4129 to discuss what works best for you.

When working with a certified Master Coach, you determine how often you need coaching and what results you want to achieve. Call (919) 694-4129 to schedule a free consultation with a Master Coach today to find out how coaching can get you the success you desire.

Personal Breakthrough Coaching

Do you feel stuck? Do you know that you could be more than you are? Are you reaching for something and never quite achieving it?

Through Personal Breakthrough Coaching you will uncover the issues that hold you back, remove them at their roots, and then replace them with powerful, positive beliefs and values designed to propel you forward towards the life that you desire. Working with one of our certified trainers and master practitioners in an 8 to 12 hour multi-session process, you will eliminate negative emotions, remove limiting beliefs, uncover and reorganize your values and set in motion powerful, positive outcomes.

Coaching can be either in person or via the internet based on your location and preference. We have offices in Southern California, Phoenix Arizona, Las Vegas Nevada, Tampa Florida and the United Kingdom. Call (919) 694-4129 to discuss what works best for you.

Imagine waking up tomorrow morning knowing that you are in charge of your life, that you can achieve all that you desire. What will you do? How will you spend your time? Find out today! Call (919) 694-4129 to schedule a free consultation with a Master Coach to find out how you can benefit from Personal Breakthrough Coaching.

Peak Performance Coaching

Designed for the Athlete, Peak Performance Coaching is designed to catapult you past the mental and emotional barriers that hold you back from achieving the success in your chosen sport.

Peak Performance Coaching is about getting you in the same mental and emotional shape that you are in physically. It's about being at your peak in every aspect of life so that you can achieve excellence.

By putting the Power of Your Mind to work for you, you'll quickly and easily remove any roadblocks that you have, release any negativity that keeps you from being your best and gain the tools to continuously and consistently be a Peak Performer.

If you really want to be the best in your field, isn't it worth a hour of your time to find out how you can make it possible? Start by calling (919) 694-4129 to schedule a free consultation with a Master Coach to find out how you can benefit from Peak Performance Coaching.


I find Tim to be a trusted colleague who exhibits the highest degree of professionalism in his work both as a Coach and Trainer in NLP. He has a calm and genuine demeanor as a Coach and his presentations are informative and lively. If you are ready for change, seeking to be successful, then Tim can guide you as you improve your relationships, increase your income and begin the life of your dreams!.
Donna Schmid
Timothy has the experience, knowledge and solid intuition for coaching. He is using a variety of modalities that we teach at the Tad James Company and he also brings his natural ability of understanding human behavior. Timothy understands how important it is to be congruent on the conscious and on the unconscious level to achieve success in any area in life by keeping individuality in mind. Timothy's brilliant coaching and care about his clients provides excellent results.
Anita Babinszki
Working with Tim was a liberating experience. He uncovered decisions I had made that were mostly unconscious. Then he worked through them with me to the point that I can hardly remember what they were...as thought they never existed. As a business coach I know the value of having someone like Tim as your partner during the challenging times. Tim is among the best
Jim McLaughlin
I went to see Tim Beck because I was intrigued by his approach to helping people achieve their potential. I realize how important my overall health is to me; mental, physical and emotional. As a result of our sessions, I've been able to identify and clear the personal and professional issues that held me back, as well as some of the physical ones. I am more driven and focused. I'm also more at ease and at peace.

Thanks to the work I did with Tim Beck and The New You Academy, my business has expanded, my relationships have flourished, my family life is fantastic and I'm in better health than I've been in a long time. Thanks Tim!
Mike Edwards
Triangle Termite and Pest Control
Timothy Beck is a highly skilled professional, he combines a deep knowledge of his work with a developed humanism and great emotional intelligence. I strongly recommend him and I always look forward to work with him again.
Sérgio Oliveira
Tim is a gifted man when it comes to details and honest analysis of a situation. Tim's desire to dig down and uncover the crux of the problem is staggering. His warm smile and genuine manner will draw you in and you'll find yourself wanting to learn from him or share with him your challenges. Tim will set you up for success and move you to the most compelling and powerful future you can imagine. Genuine and Sincere that's Timothy Beck
Darren Hancock
Just wanted you to know the differences you and NLP have made in my life.

Outside circumstances have not changed. Same residence. Same job. Same relationship status. But WOW! The changes on the inside are nothing short of miraculous.

After completing our NLP sessions the first thing I noticed was, procrastination became almost non-existent. I accomplish so much in a day, it feels like time and energy simply expand for me. Projects sitting undone for months seem to be finished effortlessly. Situations which would have ruffled me before seem almost entertaining. I'm so much happier at work and money is steaming in from unexpected places. A long, strained relationship with my brother has been resolved. MOST OF ALL: the ever present negative self-talk is almost extinct. I can not even remember what my mental blockages were.

I am, after all the years of trying every self-improvement modality under the sun, able to stay in the now, be spontaneous in the moment and live life fully each day. What a gift! Thank you for you knowledge, support and being the Master NLP practitioner you are. You have brought the child like joyfulness back into my life. Priceless.
Karen Hintze
Temecula, CA